About medimini

About medimini


medimini is a small consulting agency, mainly consisting of the founder Christian Schildwächter and changing collaborators. It started in the 1990 with web design and small content management systems, initially focused on media companies entering the then new web. Working with many startups lead to a move into streaming media in the internet bubble phase around 2000. The experience with database driven web applications then lead to several years of developing new and extending existing data management systems for clinical research, again followed by a switch to the setup of larger content management and shop systems for start ups.

Due to the large number of projects medimini can provide expertise in a number of areas:

Areas of Expertise/Current Company Focus

VR app development with Unity and C#, mobile and desktop


Simulation for Industrial Use

Game Development in Unity(VR, Mobile 3D)

Database backend for data management and mining (Postgres, MySQL)

Web backend development (Python, PHP, Java, several frameworks)

Standard Content Management Systems (Joomla, Wordpress)