VR Development

We specialize in creating 3D environments in virtual reality for industrial visualization and training. As VR is still an emerging technology, this includes finding the best suited hard and software solutions for each individual project and audience.

Unity Development

C# and 3D development with Unity. Our focus is on VR development, interaction design and engine optimization.

Back end services

We have extended knowledge in creating database driven web applications, focusing on Python web frameworks and SQL databases. This includes tools for data analyis and project usage tracking. If your project requires Java, PHP or Perl, we can help you too.

Game Development

While not our main focus, we have been involved in the development of several games for VR, desktop and mobile, mostly using Unity and C#. Beyond the programming part this includes performance evaluation and improvement, user acceptance tests and general game design for enhanced user motivation.

Business Models and Strategy

While we aren't lawyers or business consultants, working with a lot of media startups has taught us a lot about the do and don't of project. Most of our projects have included evaluation phase to find viable and affordable targets for audience and development goals.

Web Development Content Management

Almost every project requires some service backends, be it a simple website, issue tracking, customer feedback or performance evaluation. We have build a number of these to support core projects, and offer these to others including design, implementation and management.